Faculty of Health and Physical Education Update

VCE Unit 3 Physical Education 2019

Our Year 12 VCE Physical Education students are studying a new ‘Study Design’ this year, which incorporates a number of different areas of study. This semester in Unit 3, the students have examined the biomechanical and skill acquisition principles that can be applied when analysing and improving movement skills used in physical activity and sport. Biomechanics is the study of human movement and explores the structure, function and motion of the mechanical aspects of biological systems. Students have participated in a number of practical activities and laboratories, which has enabled them to investigate and analyse movement and develop their understanding of how application of biomechanical principles leads to greater efficiency and accuracy in movement skills.

Chloe Manson (Year 12) was the subject of a workshop conducted by METS Performance Consulting, a company that coordinates interactive laboratory experiments in schools using specialised technology. The experiment measured velocity and acceleration at 10 metre intervals, with the data gained utilised in the Biomechanics SAC completed by the class.

Chloe Manson (Year 12) was the subject of a workshop that measured velocity and acceleration.

METS Performance Consulting also conducted a separate workshop which explored the concept of VO2 max, which is the measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen a person can utilise during intense exercise. It is a common measurement used to establish the aerobic power of an athlete prior to or during the course of training.

Students discussed the link that exists between oxygen consumption of the body and cardiorespiratory fitness, with the VO2 max testing complementing classroom learning. The data derived from the VO2 max testing assisted in creating informed discussion on the acute responses to exercise and the contribution of the energy systems.

Emily Sutherland (Year 12) volunteered to be the subject of the VO2 max testing, where specialised equipment measured her oxygen utilisation while she cycled on a stationary bicycle. The test determines how much power output your body can complete aerobically, with a higher value indicating that more physical work can be done. VO2 max is a key performance indicator for endurance sports such as triathlon, cycling, running and rowing.

Emily Sutherland (Year 12) was the subject of the VO2 max testing, which measured her oxygen utilisation while she cycled on a stationary bicycle.

During the test, the incremental increases in workload, starting at a low intensity and gradually increasing the intensity every minute until Emily reached exhaustion. Having recently completed a very successful Rowing season as a member of the St Catherine’s 1st VIII, Emily proved herself to have an impressively high VO2 max. The data that was recorded constantly throughout the exercise test was utilised in an assessment task, facilitating enhanced student learning through practical application of theoretical concepts.

Ms Debbie Thompson, Head of Faculty - Health and Physical Education