Dynamic and engaging learning program

The St Catherine’s Early Learning Centre is a learning environment filled with so much on offer for our curious young students to seek answers, solve problems, hypothesise and investigate. We want all this to continue as they mature, grow and move on to school. Learning and a love of learning must be life-long.

To ensure we continue to provide the best possible start to our learners’ educational journeys, staff in Campbell House constantly review and update our programs and service delivery. A component of this review is the Quality Improvement Plan, an integral part of the National Quality Framework, which all registered pre-school institutions must abide by.

Ably led by our ELC Coordinators, Ms Sarah Bethune and Mrs Fiona Barker every quality area of the QIP is deeply thought through and committed to action. The seven quality areas of the QIP are:

  1. Educational program and practice
  2. Children’s health and safety
  3. Physical environment
  4. Staffing arrangements
  5. Relationships with children
  6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  7. Leadership and service management.

Determining ways to set goals which target improvement in each of the seven key quality areas is an involved and detailed process. It requires our constant attention and also to closely listen to feedback from our families. Positive family and school communication is critical to the best possible care and education of young children.

As always we welcome parent feedback. Please, always feel comfortable to provide feedback about the Centre, the surrounds, the programs and the events. Feedback is always valued and, on occasions, can provide the catalyst for alteration or improvement. Feedback can be shared with staff or through a conversation with Mrs Alana Moor, Head of Junior School and ELC.

Campbell House is always a place of variety and learning!

Winter Holiday Reflections

Upon returning to Campbell House, the Wattle Room children have engaged in lively morning meetings and discussions recounting their recent winter break. The children’s emerging interest in winter has been fostered by their experiences of ice skating, playing in the park, and morning frosts. The children have been resourcing their own learning in the classroom book corner, connecting with one another whilst exploring picture storybooks relating to animals that live in the snow. To extend this interest, we offered the children the opportunity to create their own ‘winter wonderland’ through sensory play and learning, by using tactile ‘snow’ and water beads. It is anticipated that such enthusiastic conversations and play will inspire new avenues and possibilities for learning among all members of the Wattle Room community as we embark upon Term 3 together.

Mrs Alana Moor, Head of ELC and Barbeck