Earlier this year the children participated in an ‘Edible Seed Planting’ incursion run by the City of Stonnington. They were provided with the opportunity to plant a broad bean in the Early Learning Centre garden beds situated in our playground.

The children have nurtured these broad beans, watched and measured their growth since May. Last week the children questioned whether their beans were ready to be handpicked. We sent a letter to one of the educators at the City of Stonnington to help answer this question. The children were very excited to receive a response back informing them that the beans need to be “firm, full and long enough in length to feel the broad beans inside”. The children then eagerly picked and filled a full basket of broad beans.

We gathered as a group to take a closer look at our broad beans and make predictions about what size and colour the beans may be. The children were invited to also have a taste and share how might they cook or eat the beans at home.

Watching their broad beans grow developed a great sense of confidence in the children as it took time and patience in watching the life cycle of a bean unfold. The satisfaction of the result was equal to the investment the children had to put in.



Mrs Helen Nicolaou, Blue Gum Room Teacher