Yolanda Finette

Yolanda Finette
2019 SCOGA Fellowship Recipient (Leadership for Diversity Institute and the Anti-Racist Alliance)
Yolanda Finette (Walker ’90) was awarded the Victorian Aboriginal Young Person of the Year in 1997. The first of many honours, Yolanda has devoted herself to the service of the Aboriginal community, committed to the self-determination, sovereignty and social justice of First Nations Australians.
Born in North Carolina, USA and growing up in Melbourne, Yolanda, a Yorta Yorta, African – American and Greek woman, was raised in a family committed to social justice and the advancement of Aboriginal people. At St Catherine’s, she was School Captain and recipient of the Indigenous Scholarship established by Yorta Yorta Elder, Hyllus Maris, who believed in “seeking a balance between Aboriginal culture and the very best of western education.”
Following in the footsteps of her activist grandparents, Yolanda chose a life of advocating for social justice and change. A career that began as Co-ordinator of the Victorian Link-up Service, a service connecting members of the Stolen generations to their Aboriginal communities and families, she continued for over 25 years working in child, youth and family services which included working for 10 years with marginalised communities in the United States.
Her extensive experience in leadership development, program and project development and management, cross-cultural communication, diversity and inclusion, and strategic planning, has led to Yolanda’s new career as an entrepreneur, running her own business as a Certified Holistic Life Coach, Holistic Counsellor, and Wellbeing Facilitator. Running weekly support groups for Aboriginal victims/survivors of family violence, Yolanda also delivers one-on-one coaching, wellbeing and self-development workshops and presentations through a cultural, trauma-informed, and anti-oppression lens.
Yolanda enjoys travel, adventure and exploring, loves life-long learning, is married, and a mum to three children.