Top Class

Congratulations to our 2022 Drama Captain, Charlotte Aston, who has been invited to perform in the VCAA Top Class Drama showcase on Friday 17 March. 

Top Class places the spotlight on the creativity and sophistication of VCE Performing Arts students. The VCE Drama Performance Exam requires students to write and perform a seven-minute solo based on their choice of one of the prescribed stimuli. VCAA selects inspirational students who received outstanding grades for their 2022 VCE Drama Performance Examination to present them again in this concert series at the Malthouse Theatre.

A key memory for me at the beginning of Year 12 was sitting in the audience, watching Top Class Drama. I remember thinking there’s no way I could ever create something so polished, entertaining, and advanced. I watched in awe as I allowed the challenge to motivate me. I decided then and there that one of my biggest goals for Year 12 was to be selected for Top Class Drama. 

“Being a singer primarily, when I saw the stimulus titled ‘The Country Singer,’ I knew I could draw on my strengths and create a solo I truly loved. Putting my heart and soul into my solo, with the help of JB (Mr Brown) who spent endless hours giving me feedback and support, I received an A+ on my Solo Exam and was shortlisted for Top Class. 

“Finding out I was selected was a feeling like no other. I felt admiration and pride from the girl who sat in the audience a year before, doubtful of her chances. Now, I get to perform for the same girls I sat in the audience with, the 1&2 Drama class, now studying Units 3&4.” Charlotte Aston, (‘22) 

We are all very proud of Charlotte’s accomplishments and the current St Catherine’s VCE Drama class are looking forward to cheering her on.


Mr James Brown

Head of Performing Arts

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