The Rose Garden

A stunning feature within the extensive grounds of Mars Buckley’s Beaulieu, the Rose Garden was a series of short narrow row paths with a grey plinth and sundial at its centre. 

“A lovelier spot could not have been chosen…surrounded by masses of glowing roses…impresses the beholder with a sense of beauty and harmony.” Adding to its charm the sundial inscription reads: 

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time is still a’flying. 

The Rose Garden was a favourite location for generations of students, using the area for performances, photos, and the open-air freedom the grounds of Heyington Place afforded. 

In 1970 the Mary Davis Library was built on the area. In 2015 the last vestiges of the rose arbour were removed for the development of the Mary Davis Centre. In 1996, St Catherine’s Old Girls’ Association gifted 400 rose plants to celebrate the School’s centenary year. In 2014 a new Rose Garden was established by the Year 7 Cohort, located close to the historic Heyington Gates. 

The importance of the rose is recognised each year with the presentation of a yellow St Catherine’s Rose to every Year 7 student during their Induction Ceremony and upon their departure in Year 12 during the Valedictory Ceremony. 

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