Learning About Sustainability

Early childhood is a wonderful time to involve children in education about sustainability and to begin to develop lifelong practices. It is important that we educate the children to realise the significance of caring for and protecting their environment.

The St Catherine’s Early Learning Centre aims to promote a positive and proactive attitude towards sustainability.

Our aim in the Early Learning Centre (ELC) is to promote a positive and proactive attitude towards sustainability. We believe that it is important to engage the children in developmentally appropriate sustainable practices that meet their level of understanding and help them make connections in their everyday lives.

“Teaching children about the natural world should be seen as one of the most important events in their lives.” – Thomas Berry.

Sustainability begins with making a connection to nature. The children in Campbell House are provided with many opportunities to connect with nature through hands-on experiences. The children engage in planned and spontaneous learning experiences where they explore, observe, question and investigate the natural world around them. They are often excited by their discoveries of living and non-living things. These discoveries provide provocations for further questions and research.

The children in the St Catherine’s Early Learning Centre enjoy exploring the natural world around them.

Sustainable practices are embedded in our everyday routines within the ELC. At meal times, the children recycle their food scraps and packaging. Paper recycling is also promoted within the classroom. The children engage in gardening and composting experiences. When using water, the children learn about water conservation and water sources. Observations and discussions often centre around the weather and what causes changing weather conditions.

The children in the St Catherine’s Early Learning Centre engage in composting experiences.

There are many opportunities for planned and spontaneous learning in regard to sustainability both at home and the ELC and together we can make a difference to our world. Taking inspiration from the words of Dr Jane Goodall:

“Together we can. Together we will.”

Ms Sarah Bethune, Head of Early Learning Centre