Investigation into Shells

Our role as educators is to observe and listen to the children, discover what interests them and then provide them with the opportunities to explore these interests further. Our philosophy in the Early Learning Centre is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach where experiences emerge based on the child’s interests.

The children’s summer holiday experiences led the group into a small investigation about shells over the past few weeks. An experience was created with an array of large and small shells, reference books, magnifying glasses, white card and black markers. The children approached this experience according to their interest level. Some children drew their interpretation of a shell, whilst others enjoyed feeling and looking through their magnifying glasses to notice the different characteristics of a shell. An iPad was also available, with the guidance of educators, as a provocation for asking the children questions such as:

  • What is a shell?
  • Where is a shell’s home?
  • What sea creatures might live in shells?
  • Are shells made out of sand?

Our morning meetings provided the perfect opportunity for the children to share their thoughts, knowledge and understandings about shells. We aim to continue researching with the children and extending their curiosity and knowledge further.

Mrs Helen Nicolaou, Early Learning Teacher